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Conseils pratiques pour éviter les rechutes après avoir arrêté la consommation régulière - HerBeevor

Practical tips to avoid relapses after stopping regular use

, 5 min reading time

Tips to Avoid Relapse After Quitting: Foolproof Tips to Stay on Track

For former party animals, ex-coffee addicts and those who have said goodbye to their last pack of cigarettes, this article could be a real lifesaver. It will reveal tips to avoid those sneaky relapses that lie in wait after stopping regular consumption. Because after all, life without excess has its charm too!

Triggering factors

A photo showing a person sitting on a bench with their hands clasped and a peaceful look, symbolizing the management of stress and anxiety during cannabis withdrawal.

Ah, triggers! Those little devils that lurk in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to trip us up. They’re like those cheese chips you know are bad for your diet but are calling to you from the kitchen cupboard. According to research published by Psychiatric Services in 2015, those of us with a history of mental health issues are more likely to fall victim to these mischievous little creatures after we stop using them regularly.

  • Stress: It's like that unbearable boss who stays silent except when it comes to criticism.
  • Negative emotions: They're as inviting as a meal with your mother-in-law.
  • Exposure to alcohol or drugs: This is comparable to placing a slice of chocolate cake in front of someone on a strict diet.
  • Social pressure: She is as subtle as a pachyderm in a store full of fragile objects.
  • Excessive self-criticism: It can be as destructive as a tornado in a teacup.

These triggers may seem daunting—and they are! But remember this: Even Superman has his kryptonite. And just like him, we can learn to navigate the obstacles on our path to sobriety without falling headfirst into the traps set by our invisible enemies.

Managing Cravings

The Power of Distraction

When an irresistible urge to consume arises, the art of detour is a valuable ally. Visualize yourself escaping a horde of zombies by hiding behind the couch with a box of popcorn and a great movie. This is precisely what the distraction : she supports you in your escape from the insatiable desires that threaten your serenity. Whether through a fascinating story, an intensive yoga workout or even discovering the mysteries of knitting, the methods for divert your attention are as varied as they are unusual.

Positive force against negative

There is also another effective technique: reacting positively to negative thoughts. Imagine it as a battle between Superman and Lex Luthor inside your mind! For every malicious attempt by Lex Luthor (your negative thoughts), Superman steps in with his seductive smile and saves the day (your positive response). By cultivating this mental routine, we can gradually change our perception of the challenges of constant resistance.

Essential social support

Has anyone ever tried to build an Eiffel Tower out of spaghetti? No, because it requires a solid structure to keep it stable. The same goes for when you decide to stop drinking alcohol regularly.

Social support is the pillar that sustains abstinence efforts and helps prevent relapse. It is not necessary to have a multitude of supporters; sometimes a small, carefully selected number may suffice: close friends, family or specialist groups can provide this support.

However, you have to be careful of false friends! Those who offer a drink "to wash it down" or suggest that "a little one won't hurt." Their presence can be as beneficial to you as a chocolate crutch is to a marathon runner.

In short : seek good support and keep away from bad influences as if they were covered with thorns!

Maintaining a balanced life

Sport and relaxation, your new allies

According to a 2019 Medical News Today survey, regular exercise can reduce the risk of relapse in those who have quit habitual use. Why not trade in your old addiction for a new, healthier hobby? Yoga or jogging could be interesting substitutes. And let's not forget relaxation ! A good novel or a warm bath can work wonders.

Eat well to live better

A balanced diet is essential in this rebuilding process. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean you should only eat kale and tofu (unless you enjoy that). A healthy diet includes:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Lean proteins like chicken or fish
  • Whole grains instead of refined grains
  • Drink plenty of water instead of sugary sodas .

Get enough sleep... but not too much!

Adequate rest is vital to preventing relapse. It helps maintain the mental and physical balance needed to resist temptation. But be careful not to go to the other extreme: sleeping all day is definitely not the answer! If all this seems too much to handle alone, consider cbd some of whom impacts on mental well-being are promising. So, are you ready to embrace a more harmonious life?

The role of CBD in relapse prevention

THE CBD , this acronym that makes nature lovers smile and skeptics frown. This small molecule plays an essential role in preventing relapses after stopping regular consumption. Visualize a little green soldier (the CBD ), armed with an anti-relapse shield, ready to face the dragon of addiction. This is not a joke! Research has shown that the CBD can help reduce anxiety and compulsive desires frequently linked to relapses. And that's not all! When combined with its cousin, CBC , they are an invincible duo offering invaluable benefits to your overall health. It is therefore possible that these small molecules will become your best allies in your fight against resuming regular consumption.


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