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Le rôle des cosmétiques naturels à base de chanvre dans l'industrie française - HerBeevor

The role of natural hemp-based cosmetics in the French industry

, 5 min reading time

The advantages of natural hemp cosmetics in France: origin, benefits, and regulation

Whether you are a fervent defender of nature, a fan of organic cosmetics, or simply curious to learn how a once controversial plant is now making its way into the French industry, this article is for you. From the origin of hemp to French regulations, its cosmetic benefits and its marketing, this information will enlighten the most skeptical minds and strengthen the conviction of those already convinced. So get ready to discover the unsuspected potential of hemp in our national industry!

Origin of Hemp

Ah, hemp! This plant with a thousand and one virtues has managed to carve out a place of choice for itself in the French cosmetics industry. You might think that its use is recent, but think again! Hemp has been cultivated for thousands of years for its resistant fibers used in the manufacture of ropes or textiles. But let's get back to our pots of cream. It was in the heart of the 70s that hemp made its entrance onto the cosmetics scene thanks to its richness in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. A true cocktail of love for our skin! And then one day, someone had the idea awesome (or completely crazy) to extract from cbd - you know that non-psychoactive component of cannabis - to integrate it into natural hemp-based cosmetic products . Since then, we find this little green wonder everywhere: moisturizing creams, anti-aging serums, soothing balms... A real French success story that proves that we can be trendy while remaining faithful to ancestral traditions.

Natural Cosmetic Benefits

Moisturizing Powers to Make a Cactus Pale

It seems that hemp, this multifaceted plant, has decided to take on the desert... at least the one that reigns over your skin. Natural cosmetics based on hemp have a moisturizing power out of the ordinary . Why? Here are some reasons:

  • They contain essential fatty acids .
  • They promote water retention in the epidermis.
  • They strengthen the skin barrier.
  • They bring a feeling of immediate comfort .

Anti-inflammatory: Hemp is better than aspirin!

Not only is hemp an excellent ally against dry skin, it also proves to be a formidable anti-inflammatory. A study published in 2019 by the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology highlights the impressive abilities of natural hemp-based cosmetics to reduce skin inflammation. And that's not all! These products also help to improve the skin barrier and therefore protect our skin like a real plant armor.

A woman standing in front of a mirror, with a jar of cannabis cream sitting on the edge of the sink. - The photo is realistic with beautiful colors.

French Legality and Regulation

Ah, France! Country of wine, baguette and... hemp? Well yes, my dear friends. The beautiful nation is embracing natural cosmetics made from hemp. hemp with a passion that could make a Gallic rooster blush.

It must be said that the French government is not exactly known for its sense of humor when it comes to regulations . However, in this specific case, they have shown some flexibility. As long as the THC level (the substance that gives smokers their little smile) remains below 0.3%, all is well in the best of all possible worlds.

This means that you can freely use the oil from the seeds or the fibers to concoct all sorts of beauty elixirs without fear of an impromptu assault by French special forces on your bathroom.

So yes! Long live France and long live its hemp cosmetics! A country where you can be chic and eco-friendly without worrying too much about the draconian laws on narcotics... As long as you don't exceed that famous 0.3% limit of course.

Manufacturing and Marketing

CBD Extraction: A Delicate Dance

Have you ever tried to extract the juice from an orange with your bare hands? This is a bit like how we extract cannabidiol ( CBD ) for our natural hemp-based cosmetics. Except that here, we are not talking about simply squeezing oranges, but rather carefully handle this green and fragrant plant to extract the green gold . A little allusion to cannabichromene (CBC), it is another component of hemp that also has its own extraction dances.

Cosmetics Manufacturing: The Magic Happens

Once our precious CBD is extracted, it’s time to move on to the next phase: transforming this golden liquid into cosmetic products. Imagine an army of little green elves working day and night to concoct your moisturizers, essential oils and other lip balms. A complex process where science and nature meet in a harmonious waltz.

Distribution on the French Market: green conquest

And there you have it! Our products are ready to be launched on the French market! But be careful, they don't arrive discreetly like a shy guest at a social event... No! They make their entrance like rock stars in the spotlight! Their mission? To introduce French consumers to the unsuspected benefits of hemp while bringing a "green" touch to their beauty routines daily.

Future in French Industry

The future of natural hemp cosmetics in the French industry looks as bright as a Hollywood star's complexion after a caviar facial. Imagine an army of moisturizing, anti-aging, and soothing products flooding the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets. Hemp is ready to conquer France, with its rustic charm and tantalizing promises.

  • Face creams that make wrinkles disappear like magic.
  • Body oils that make your skin soft like a baby's.
  • Lip balms that give you a smile worthy of a toothpaste commercial.
  • And even shampoos that promise voluminous and shiny hair without having to go to the hairdresser.

Not to mention that these wonders are lovingly concocted in France! And if we add a little touch of cannabinoids - yes, these small molecules with much-vaunted medical virtues - we get an explosive cocktail ready to revolutionize our daily beauty routine .


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