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L'influence des terpènes dans les variétés Sativa et Indica - HerBeevor

The influence of terpenes in Sativa and Indica strains

, 5 min reading time

The influence of terpenes on Sativa and Indica varieties: definition, role and specific characteristics

In the wonderful world of cannabis, terpenes are the little elves that add flavor and aroma to your experience. Whether you’re a budding connoisseur (pun intended) looking to refine your palate or a scientist eager to explore the therapeutic potential of Sativa and Indica strains, this little guide could be a goldmine for you. So sit back, relax, and let us delve into the fascinating world of terpenes.

The definition of terpenes

A photo of a hand holding two cannabis leaves, one Sativa and one Indica, showing their distinct visual differences.

Ah, terpenes! Those little chemicals that hide in our favorite plants and give them that signature scent. You know, the one that makes you say, "Mmm... that smells like pine" or "Oh my, that smells like citrus." Well, it's thanks to terpenes that these smells exist. These little wonders are produced by many plants to repel predators and attract pollinators. They play a crucial role in the survival of plants by creating a natural barrier against insect pests and by attracting those that will help them reproduce. But back to the subject at hand - or rather our Sativa and Indica cannabis plants. Sativa strains tend to have higher terpene profiles with citrus notes while Indicas often have a more earthy profile. And let's not forget their cousins ​​from the cbd ! THE Different CBD flowers also have a unique range of terpenes that contribute to the beneficial effects commonly attributed to them . Without these fabulous aromatic compounds called terpenes, our world would be a lot less fragrant...and probably less fun too!

The role of terpenes

Terpenes, those little aromatic compounds that give your favorite cannabis its distinctive scent, play a bigger role than you might think. According to a 2011 study by Science Direct, they even influence how we perceive the psychoactive effects of Sativa and Indica strains.

  • Imagine yourself enjoying a delicious apple pie. This is the work of the terpene called myrcene .
  • Do you smell that citrus scent? It's the limonene who is doing his show.
  • Eucalyptol gives that sweet spa scent to your favorite joint.
  • And that little peppery taste? Thanks to caryophyllene !

Characteristics of Sativa

Have you ever thought about how terpenes influence your cannabis choice? Let’s take a moment to explore the Sativa , this colorful and history-rich variety. First, you should know that Sativa is like that distant cousin who always arrives late to family gatherings: it takes its time to grow. It is a great lady that can reach up to 20 feet in height! A real plant skyscraper. Then, its leaves are thin and slender - just like the legs of a model parading on the catwalk of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show . And let's talk about aromas! The terpenes in Sativa often produce fruity or spicy scents that will make you think of walking through an exotic market. As for the effects... Oh my! Sativa is known for boosting energy and imagination - perfect if you want to paint the next modern masterpiece or simply clean your apartment without sinking into despair. So yes, choosing between Indica and Sativa can be tricky depending on your individual needs. Picture this: Indica is that professional masseuse who relaxes you after a long day while Sativa is that fiery friend ready to party all night.

The Indica variety

Indica and its terpenes

Indica, the cannabis strain that makes us laugh out loud at dubious films. Far be it from me to encourage you to consume it, but it must be admitted that the Terpenes present in Indica are a true chemical spectacle . These small odorous molecules play a key role in the distinctive aromatic profile of each Indica strain. In addition, they have a notable influence on the effects produced by this variety.

The Joyful Consequences

With Indica, it's like swallowing a disco ball: intense muscle relaxation and euphoria guaranteed! Terpenes contribute greatly to this by interacting with our endocannabinoid system to amplify these pleasant sensations... or not (it all depends on your point of view). And let's talk about cannabinoids! These chemical compounds offer a promising future in medicine thanks to their potential therapeutic properties . So yes, maybe one day we will see our doctors prescribing "Purple Kush" to treat our ailments... Who knows?

Comparison between Sativa and Indica

Sativa and Indica , these two cannabis strains are as different as night and day. A 2018 Leafly study found that the terpenes in each can have distinct effects on mood and behavior.

  • THE Sativas , with their high limonene terpene profile, tend to stimulate the mind. They’re like a strong espresso for your brain.
  • Conversely, the Indica are full of myrcene which rather promotes a relaxing atmosphere. Imagine yourself quietly installed in a comfortable armchair after a long day.

It’s pretty fascinating when you think about it! These little odorous molecules play a crucial role in how we perceive cannabis. Sativas make us feel like we’ve swallowed a Duracell battery while Indicas wrap us in a warm, soft blanket.

It’s important to note that it’s not just a matter of “high” or “low.” Terpenes also influence our senses of smell and taste.

  • So if you enjoy the bright lemony aromas of Sativas ...
  • Or maybe you prefer the earthy scent of Indicas ...

...you can thank their respective terpene profiles for this unique sensory experience!


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