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Décision Historique : Le Conseil d'État Français Autorise la Vente de Fleurs de CBD - HerBeevor

Historic Decision: French Council of State Authorizes the Sale of CBD Flowers

, 1 min reading time

The Council of State in France has given the green light for the legal sale of CBD flowers and leaves.

Good news for wellness lovers in France! The Council of State recently approved the legal sale of CBD flowers, opening new perspectives to improve the quality of life through cannabidiol.

CBD Flowers and Leaves: A Market Now Legal in France

Deepening the Legal Decision

  • The Council of State has officially lifted the ban, recognizing that the consumption of CBD flowers and leaves, a non-psychotropic molecule derived from cannabis, does not present a risk to public health.
  • This molecule is known for its relaxing properties without inducing psychotropic effects or dependence.

Reaction of Industry Players

  • Kevin Knut , a local hemp farmer, expressed relief and excitement over the decision, highlighting the importance of flowers in the hemp market.
  • Consumers can feel reassured about the legality and regulation of these products thanks to this new regulation.

Background to the Legal Battle

  • In 2021, an interministerial decree prohibited the sale of cannabis flowers "in their raw state", a decree which was suspended in 2022 and then annulled by the Council of State in December 2023.
  • The Council of State has confirmed that the use of these products does not constitute a danger to public health, thus facilitating their secure access.

Growth Potential for the Sector

  • CBD flowers represent up to 50% of sales in some specialty stores.
  • Mickaël Tabeling , owner of several boutiques, calls for a strengthening of the legislative framework for imports and controls, thus ensuring better regulation of the market.
  • CBD is also available in various forms such as oils and capsules, providing a variety of options for consumers.

Join the Community

Take advantage of this historic opportunity to discover the benefits of CBD. With the holidays approaching, we wish you joyful celebrations and a new year enriched by the benefits of CBD.

For more information, see the full article on France 3 .


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