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CBD News

135 products

  • Hash Maroco CBD Hash Maroco CBD

    Hash Maroco CBD

    18 in stock

    Hash Maroco CBD : Une Puissance Aromatique Venue du Maroc Le Hash Maroco CBD est un produit exceptionnel conçu pour les amateurs de CBD en quête d’une forte concentration et d’effets puissants. Avec un taux impressionnant de CBD de 37%, cette résine offre une expérience riche et profonde, tout en respectant la législation française grâce à un taux de THC inférieur à 0,3%. Caractéristiques du Hash Maroco CBD Ce hash se distingue par sa texture souple et facile à manipuler, ainsi que par sa couleur foncée, typique des résines de haute qualité. Produit au Maroc, il est le fruit de techniques de production avancées qui assurent une pureté et une concentration optimales en CBD, tout en préservant les terpènes naturels qui donnent à ce produit son arôme unique. Profil Aromatique Le Hash Maroco CBD séduit par son profil aromatique complexe et riche en nuances : Notes de tête : Arômes fruités et sucrés avec une touche de baies rouges. Notes de cœur : Nuances épicées et boisées pour plus de profondeur. Notes de fond : Subtiles notes terreuses et résineuses, signature des résines haut de gamme. Bienfaits du Hash Maroco CBD Apprécié pour ses effets relaxants et apaisants, le Hash Maroco CBD est idéal pour réduire le stress, soulager les tensions musculaires et favoriser une relaxation profonde. Son taux élevé de CBD en fait un choix parfait pour ceux qui recherchent une détente intense sans les effets psychoactifs du THC. Utilisation Le Hash Maroco CBD peut être consommé de plusieurs façons selon les préférences : Vaporisation : Pour une expérience douce et rapide, permettant de savourer pleinement les arômes et les effets. Infusion : Pour une consommation plus lente, idéale pour prolonger le moment de détente. Informations Légales Ce produit est élaboré au Maroc avec un taux de THC inférieur à 0,3%, garantissant ainsi sa conformité à la législation française. Vous pouvez consommer ce produit en toute sécurité, sans effets psychoactifs ni risque d’addiction. Caractéristiques Techniques Caractéristique Détail Type Résine de CBD Origine Maroc THC < 0,3% CBD 37% Arômes Épicé, boisé, terreux Poids 1, 3, 6, 10, 25 grammes

    18 in stock

    9,90€ - 80,00€Price per gram 8,00€ / g

  • Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash

    Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash

    Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash (20% CBD - 30% CBN) : Une Puissance Relaxante et Apaisante Une Résine Exceptionnelle pour un Bien-être Optimal Découvrez la Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash, un concentré exceptionnel qui combine les bienfaits du CBD et du CBN pour offrir une expérience de relaxation intense et un soulagement optimal. Avec une teneur de 20% en CBD et 30% en CBN, cette résine est parfaite pour ceux qui recherchent une solution naturelle et puissante pour améliorer leur bien-être quotidien. Caractéristiques de la Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash La Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash se distingue par sa texture malléable et sa couleur sombre, signe de sa concentration élevée en cannabinoïdes. Sa fabrication en Europe, avec des méthodes de culture indoor strictes, garantit un produit pur et de haute qualité. Cette résine est idéale pour les personnes cherchant à se détendre profondément, améliorer leur sommeil ou soulager des douleurs persistantes. Taux de CBD : 20% – Apporte une relaxation profonde et aide à soulager le stress. Taux de CBN : 30% – Connu pour ses effets sédatifs, idéal pour améliorer le sommeil. Origine : Europe – Produite dans des conditions optimales pour préserver la pureté des cannabinoïdes. Texture : Malléable, facilitant son utilisation et son dosage. Arômes : Notes de pin et de terre, avec un léger fond de musc et de bois. Profil Aromatique Le profil aromatique de la Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash est riche et complexe, offrant une expérience olfactive unique : Notes de tête : Fraîcheur de pin et arômes terreux, rappelant les forêts alpines. Notes de cœur : Parfums herbacés et légèrement épicés, apportant une touche chaleureuse. Notes de fond : Nuances boisées avec un soupçon de musc, offrant une profondeur aromatique. Bienfaits de la Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash L’association du CBD et du CBN dans cette résine crée une synergie qui en fait un choix idéal pour ceux recherchant un effet thérapeutique complet : Relaxation Profonde : Aide à réduire le stress et l'anxiété, favorisant une détente totale du corps. Amélioration du Sommeil : Grâce au CBN, cette résine peut aider à réguler le cycle de sommeil et à lutter contre l'insomnie. Soulagement des Douleurs : Efficace pour apaiser les douleurs chroniques et réduire l'inflammation, offrant un confort durable. Utilisation de la Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash La résine Static Hash peut être consommée de différentes manières pour maximiser ses effets : Vaporisation : Pour une absorption rapide et efficace des cannabinoïdes, sans combustion. Infusion : Mélangée avec un corps gras comme de l'huile de coco ou du beurre pour une assimilation optimale. Inhalation : Via un joint ou une pipe, pour ceux qui préfèrent une approche plus traditionnelle. Informations Légales Tous nos produits, y compris la Résine CBD CBN - Static Hash, sont conformes aux normes légales européennes, avec un taux de THC inférieur à 0,3%. Vous pouvez les consommer en toute légalité en France, sans effets psychoactifs. Caractéristiques Techniques Caractéristique Détail Type Résine de CBD CBN Origine Europe Culture Indoor THC < 0,3% CBD 20% CBN 30% Arômes Pin, terre, musc, bois Poids Variable (selon l'offre)

    8,90€ - 59,00€Price per gram 5,90€ / g

  • Sale -10% Feuilles slim King Size + Filtres Feuilles slim King Size + Filtres

    La Piraterie Feuilles slim King Size + Filtres

    Feuilles Slim King Size + Filtres - La Piraterie : L'Accessoire Incontournable pour des Rouleaux Parfaits Une Expérience de Roulement Supérieure Découvrez les Feuilles Slim King Size + Filtres de la marque La Piraterie, conçues pour les amateurs de roulement qui recherchent la perfection. Ces feuilles longues et fines sont idéales pour ceux qui préfèrent un roulage facile et uniforme, tout en offrant une combustion lente et régulière. Caractéristiques des Feuilles Slim King Size + Filtres Format : King Size Slim, parfait pour des rouleaux longs et fins. Matériau : Papier ultra-fin pour une combustion lente et douce. Filtres Inclus : Filtres en carton de haute qualité pour un roulage propre et sans effort. Praticité : Facile à utiliser, avec une texture fine qui facilite le roulage et assure un goût pur. Emballage : Compact et pratique, facile à transporter. Pourquoi Choisir les Feuilles Slim King Size + Filtres de La Piraterie ? Les Feuilles Slim King Size + Filtres de La Piraterie sont conçues pour les consommateurs qui recherchent qualité et performance. Voici pourquoi ces feuilles et filtres sont un choix idéal : Combustion Lente et Régulière : Le papier ultra-fin permet une combustion lente, assurant une expérience de fumage prolongée. Goût Pur : Les matériaux de haute qualité utilisés garantissent une fumée propre et sans arrière-goût. Roulage Facile : La texture fine et résistante du papier facilite le roulage, même pour les débutants. Filtres Pratiques : Les filtres inclus assurent un roulage net et aident à éviter l'aspiration de tabac. Emballage Compact : Idéal pour les déplacements, vous pouvez les emporter partout où vous allez. Mode d’Emploi Préparez votre mélange de tabac ou d'herbes. Sortez une feuille et un filtre de l'emballage. Placez le filtre à une extrémité de la feuille. Ajoutez votre mélange sur la feuille. Roulez délicatement pour former un cône ou un cylindre, selon votre préférence. Léchez la bande collante pour sceller le rouleau. Allumez et savourez une combustion lente et régulière. Un Accessoire Essentiel pour Chaque Fumeur Que vous soyez un fumeur occasionnel ou régulier, les Feuilles Slim King Size + Filtres de La Piraterie sont un must-have dans votre collection d'accessoires. Elles combinent qualité, facilité d’utilisation et un design pratique pour vous offrir une expérience de fumage inégalée. Commandez dès maintenant et profitez d'une livraison rapide et discrète. Ne manquez pas l'opportunité d'améliorer votre expérience de fumage avec des feuilles et des filtres de haute qualité !

    2,10€ 1,90€

  • Sale -23% Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker

    Champ High Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker

    9 in stock

    Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker : Un Accessoire Unique et Performant Un Design Original et Efficace Découvrez le Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker, l'accessoire incontournable pour tous les amateurs d'herbes et de CBD. Ce grinder à 3 étages est conçu pour offrir un broyage parfait tout en ajoutant une touche de style unique à votre collection d'accessoires. Inspiré du design d'un jeton de poker, il allie fonctionnalité et esthétisme pour une expérience de broyage optimale. Caractéristiques du Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker Matériau : Aluminium de haute qualité, garantissant robustesse et longévité. Diamètre : 42mm, idéal pour une prise en main facile et un broyage efficace. Design : Forme de jeton de poker, ajoutant une touche ludique et élégante à votre équipement. Nombre d'étages : 3 étages pour un broyage, un stockage et une récupération de pollen optimaux. Praticité : Facile à utiliser, démonter et nettoyer. Pourquoi Choisir le Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker ? Le Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker est conçu pour les utilisateurs qui recherchent à la fois efficacité et originalité. Voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles ce grinder est un excellent choix : Broyage Efficace : Les dents en aluminium sont conçues pour moudre uniformément vos herbes, garantissant une texture parfaite à chaque fois. Design Ludique et Élégant : Avec son design en forme de jeton de poker, ce grinder se distingue par son originalité et apporte une touche de fun à vos accessoires. 3 Étages pour Plus de Praticité : Les trois étages permettent de broyer, stocker et récupérer le pollen facilement, faisant de ce grinder un outil complet pour tous les amateurs d'herbes. Durabilité Assurée : Fabriqué en aluminium résistant, il est conçu pour durer et résister à une utilisation quotidienne. Comment Utiliser le Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker ? Dévissez le couvercle pour accéder à la chambre de broyage. Placez vos herbes dans la chambre à dents. Revissez le couvercle et tournez-le dans les deux sens pour moudre vos herbes. Dévissez la section inférieure pour récupérer les herbes moulues et le pollen collecté. Entretien et Nettoyage Pour garantir la longévité de votre grinder, suivez ces étapes simples de nettoyage : Utilisez une petite brosse pour enlever les résidus d’herbes après chaque utilisation. Pour un nettoyage en profondeur, démontez le grinder et lavez chaque partie à l’eau chaude savonneuse. Séchez soigneusement avant de remonter. Commandez Votre Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker Aujourd'hui Ne manquez pas l'occasion d'ajouter cet accessoire unique à votre collection. Commandez dès maintenant le Grinder Aluminium 42mm - Poker et profitez d'une livraison rapide et discrète.

    9 in stock

    12,90€ 9,90€

  • Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff

    Spliff Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff

    10 in stock

    Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff : La Solution Idéale pour Éliminer les Traces de THC Une Formule Puissante pour des Résultats Impeccables Vous recherchez un moyen rapide et efficace pour éliminer les traces de THC avant un test salivaire ? Découvrez le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff, une solution innovante conçue pour neutraliser instantanément les molécules de THC dans la bouche. Sa formule avancée et naturelle, enrichie en ingrédients actifs, offre une action puissante et durable. Un Spray Buccal Pratique et Discret Le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit est un spray buccal facile à utiliser et discret, idéal pour les personnes souhaitant maintenir une hygiène buccale impeccable tout en éliminant toute trace de cannabis. Quelques pulvérisations suffisent pour neutraliser les résidus de THC, vous offrant ainsi une tranquillité d'esprit totale avant toute situation nécessitant un test de dépistage. Des Ingrédients Naturels pour une Sécurité Maximale Formulé avec des ingrédients de haute qualité, ce spray garantit non seulement une efficacité optimale, mais aussi une sécurité d'utilisation pour la bouche. Découvrez ci-dessous les ingrédients principaux et leurs bénéfices : Ingrédient Description Aqua Eau, base de la formulation Alcool dénaturé Agent antiseptique et conservateur Melia azadirachta Extrait de Neem, connu pour ses propriétés purifiantes Xantham Gum Agent épaississant naturel Rafraîchissant et Pratique à Transporter En plus de son action anti-THC, le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit procure une sensation de fraîcheur immédiate. Compact et facile à transporter, il se glisse aisément dans une poche ou un sac, vous permettant de l’utiliser à tout moment, où que vous soyez. Idéal pour les déplacements, ce spray est l’allié parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à se débarrasser des odeurs persistantes de cannabis. Mode d’Emploi Facile Agitez bien le flacon avant utilisation. Pulvérisez 10 fois dans la bouche. Gargarisez pendant 40 secondes, puis recrachez. Évitez de consommer par voie buccale immédiatement après pour maintenir l'efficacité du produit. Optez pour la Discrétion et l'Efficacité avec Klean Shit Avec le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff, soyez toujours prêt pour un test de dépistage. Ce spray buccal innovant vous assure discrétion et efficacité, en éliminant les traces de THC en quelques secondes. Faites le choix de la tranquillité d'esprit avec un produit fiable et facile à utiliser. Commandez dès maintenant votre Cleaner THC et découvrez une solution simple et efficace pour garantir votre sérénité lors des tests de dépistage. Ne laissez pas le THC perturber votre quotidien, optez pour Klean Shit by Spliff !

    10 in stock


  • Last stock! Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets - Hemeka Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets - Hemeka

    Hemeka Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets - Hemeka

    3 in stock

    Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets Pourquoi choisir La Relaxante ? Cette tisane est conçue pour vous aider à vous détendre, en apportant une solution naturelle contre le stress et l’anxiété. Caractéristiques principales Caractéristiques Détails Nombre de sachets 20 sachets pyramide biodégradables Ingrédients 100% issus de l’agriculture biologique, cultivés en France Fabrication Fabriqué dans notre atelier en France Composition 60% de chanvre bio, 20% de mélisse, 20% d’aubépine Certification Agriculture biologique Type Infusion au chanvre Utilisation Prêt à consommer, format pyramide pratique   Description de l’Infusion CBD La Relaxante Les sachets de tisane La Relaxante sont pratiques à utiliser, chaque sachet pyramide étant pré-dosé pour une infusion homogène. Ils sont idéaux pour favoriser la relaxation et l'apaisement nerveux. Points forts Détails Sachets pré-dosés Quantité uniforme pour une infusion parfaite à chaque tasse. Praticité Facilement transportable pour vos déplacements. Qualité constante Les bienfaits de la version en vrac, avec une commodité supplémentaire. Ingrédients de qualité Chanvre, mélisse, et aubépine issus de l'agriculture biologique, cultivés en France. Composition Ingrédient Pourcentage Propriétés Chanvre 60% Le cannabidiol (CBD) favorise la détente et la relaxation en agissant sur le système sérotoninergique. Mélisse 20% Apaise les troubles nerveux et lutte contre le stress et l’anxiété. Aubépine 20% Tranquillisante, elle aide à réguler le rythme cardiaque et à réduire le stress. Conseils de préparation Étape Détails Préparation Faites bouillir de l'eau, puis laissez infuser le sachet pyramide pendant 4 à 7 minutes. Astuce Ajoutez un corps gras (lait entier, d’amandes, de soja…) pour améliorer la diffusion des cannabinoïdes et des principes actifs. Ajustement du goût Si la tisane devient trop amère après 7 minutes, réduisez le temps d'infusion à 4 minutes. Quand consommer La Relaxante ? Cette tisane peut être consommée à tout moment de la journée, selon vos besoins : Moment Détails Le matin Pour commencer la journée sereinement. L’après-midi Avant un après-midi stressant. En soirée Pour se détendre en fin de journée. Les bienfaits du CBD Le CBD, en interagissant avec les neurotransmetteurs de la sérotonine, procure des effets relaxants et apaisants. Des études montrent son efficacité contre l'anxiété et d'autres troubles liés au stress, avec un excellent profil de sécurité. Caractéristiques Caractéristiques Détails Type Infusion au chanvre Origine France Certification Agriculture biologique Quantité 20 infusettes pyramide Ingrédients Chanvre (60%), Mélisse (20%), Aubépine (20%) Préparation Infuser 4 à 7 minutes à 100°C   Service client, livraison rapide, 100% français.

    3 in stock


  • Last stock! Infusion CBD La Nocturne - 20 Sachets - Hemeka Infusion CBD La Nocturne - 20 Sachets - Hemeka

    Hemeka Infusion CBD La Nocturne - 20 Sachets - Hemeka

    7 reviews

    2 in stock

    Infusion CBD La Nocturne - 20 Sachets : Pour un Meilleur Sommeil Les sachets de tisane prêts-à-l’emploi La Nocturne sont conçus pour une utilisation pratique et efficace. Chaque sachet pyramide contient une dose précise de chanvre, associée à d'autres plantes sélectionnées pour favoriser l'endormissement et améliorer la qualité du sommeil. Points forts Avantages Détails Sachets recyclables pré-dosés Chaque sachet contient la même quantité d'ingrédients pour garantir une infusion homogène à chaque tasse. Praticité Emportez facilement votre boîte en week-end, en vacances ou chez des amis. Qualité identique à la version en vrac Retrouvez les mêmes bienfaits que dans notre tisane en vrac, avec une facilité d'utilisation supplémentaire. Diffusion optimale des arômes Le sachet pyramide permet une meilleure diffusion des arômes et maximise l'efficacité du cannabidiol (CBD). Composition de l'Infusion La Nocturne Ingrédient Pourcentage Propriétés Chanvre 60% Le CBD contenu dans le chanvre favorise le repos et l'endormissement en interagissant avec le système sérotoninergique, régulant ainsi le sommeil. Verveine 15% Combat le stress, l'anxiété, et les troubles digestifs pouvant retarder l'endormissement. Sauge 15% Puissant anxiolytique naturel, favorise un sommeil réparateur. Tilleul 10% Connu pour ses effets apaisants, aide à lutter contre l'insomnie. Conseils de Préparation : Maximiser les Vertus de l'Infusion Sommeil Étape Détails Moment de consommation 1 à 2 heures avant de vous coucher pour un effet optimal. Préparation Faites chauffer de l'eau à 100 °C et laissez infuser le sachet pyramide pendant 4 à 7 minutes. Astuce Ajoutez un corps gras (lait entier, d'amandes, de soja) pour une meilleure diffusion des cannabinoïdes. Le saviez-vous ? Plus l'infusion est longue, plus le goût peut devenir amer. Si vous trouvez votre infusion trop amère après 7 minutes, essayez de réduire le temps d'infusion à 4 minutes. Pourquoi Choisir la Tisane au CBD La Nocturne pour Mieux Dormir ? La tisane La Nocturne est spécialement formulée pour favoriser un endormissement rapide et un sommeil de qualité. Grâce au CBD et aux plantes naturelles, cette infusion est un remède naturel contre les troubles du sommeil. Bénéfices Détails CBD Favorise la détente et aide à lutter contre les troubles du sommeil. Plantes naturelles Le chanvre, le tilleul, la sauge et la verveine contribuent à s'endormir plus rapidement et à retrouver un sommeil apaisé. Qualité du sommeil Retrouvez un sommeil réparateur et de grande qualité avec La Nocturne. Caractéristiques Type Infusion au chanvre Origine France Certification Agriculture biologique Quantité 20 infusettes pyramide Ingrédients Chanvre (60%), Verveine (15%), Sauge (15%), Tilleul (10%) Préparation Infuser 4 à 7 minutes à 100°C Service client, livraison rapide, 100% français.

    2 in stock


  • Résine Orangella CBD - GoldBar420 Résine Orangella CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Orangella CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Orangella CBD Resin: An Explosion of Citrus and Serenity What is Orangella CBD Resin? GoldBar420 Orangella CBD Resin is a premium resin grown in Switzerland, distinguished by its fresh and sweet citrus aromas. With a CBD content of 25%, this resin is ideal for those looking for deep relaxation combined with a unique taste experience. Compliant with French legislation, it contains less than 0.3% THC, guaranteeing legal and safe consumption. Characteristics of Orangella CBD Resin Orangella CBD Resin is recognizable by its soft and malleable texture, as well as its orange-brown color, reminiscent of the fruits from which it is inspired. Produced in Switzerland, this resin benefits from rigorous production methods that ensure exceptional purity and an optimal concentration of CBD. Its aromatic profile rich in citrus fruits makes it a product of choice for lovers of gourmet resins. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Orangella CBD Resin is lively and refreshing, offering a palette of fruity and sweet flavors: Top notes : Pronounced aromas of orange and mandarin, with a sweet and tangy touch. Heart notes : Delicate floral fragrances that bring a light and airy dimension. Base Notes : Subtle earthy and woody nuances, adding depth and complexity to the whole. Benefits of Orangella CBD Resin Orangella CBD Resin is particularly appreciated for its calming and revitalizing effects. With a CBD content of 25%, it is ideal for reducing stress, calming the mind and promoting deep relaxation without causing excessive drowsiness. It is a perfect choice for use during the day or in the evening. Use of Orangella CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in different ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate and refreshing experience, allowing you to fully savor the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For a gentler and more prolonged consumption, ideal for progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including Orangella CBD Resin , are made in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, ensuring their legality in France. These products have no psychoactive effects and do not present any risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 25% Aromas Orange, tangerine, floral, earthy, woody Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Résine Lemon CBD - GoldBar420 Résine Lemon CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Lemon CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Lemon CBD Resin: A Burst of Freshness and Relaxation What is Lemon CBD Resin? GoldBar420 Lemon CBD Resin is a premium resin, grown in Switzerland, that stands out for its lively, lemony aroma. With a CBD content of 19%, this resin is perfect for those looking for a relaxing experience with a refreshing touch. Compliant with French legislation, it contains less than 0.3% THC, making it a legal and safe option for daily use. Characteristics of Lemon CBD Resin Lemon CBD Resin is characterized by its soft and malleable texture, as well as its light brown color. Produced in Switzerland with advanced cultivation techniques, it guarantees exceptional purity and an optimized CBD concentration. Its naturally lemony aromas make it a product appreciated for its freshness and soothing effect. Aromatic Profile The aroma profile of Lemon CBD Resin is vibrant and refreshing, evoking the invigorating sensation of a freshly cut lemon: Top notes : Pronounced aromas of lemon and citrus fruits, with a tangy touch. Heart notes : Herbaceous and floral scents that bring a slight sweetness. Base Notes : Earthy and slightly spicy nuances, adding depth and complexity to the whole. Benefits of Lemon CBD Resin Lemon CBD Resin is particularly known for its relaxing effects while providing a feeling of freshness. With a CBD content of 19%, it is ideal for reducing stress, calming the mind and relaxing muscles. This resin is perfect for use during the day or in the evening, offering a balance between relaxation and revitalization. Use of Lemon CBD Resin This versatile resin can be used in a variety of ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate and invigorating experience, allowing you to fully savor the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For a gentler and more prolonged consumption, ideal for progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including Lemon CBD Resin , are made in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, guaranteeing their legality in France. They have no psychoactive effects and do not present any risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 19% Aromas Lemon, citrus, floral, herbaceous, earthy, spicy Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Sale -25% Résine Blueberry Muffins CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin: A Fruity and Relaxing Delight What is Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin? GoldBar420’s Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin is a high-quality resin grown in Switzerland, known for its distinctive flavor profile reminiscent of the sweet and fruity taste of blueberry muffins. With a CBD content of 25%, this resin offers a relaxing experience perfect for lovers of gourmet flavors. Complying with French legal standards, it contains less than 0.3% THC, making it an ideal option for safe daily consumption. Characteristics of Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin is distinguished by its soft and sticky texture, as well as its dark brown color with blue highlights, evoking the color of blueberries. Made in Switzerland, this resin benefits from rigorous production methods that guarantee optimal purity and concentration of CBD, while preserving the terpenes for a rich and captivating aroma. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin is a real explosion of gourmet flavors: Top notes : Sweet and fruity aromas, reminiscent of fresh blueberries. Heart Notes : Delicate and sweet floral scents, adding a soft and pleasant dimension. Base notes : Earthy and slightly woody nuances, bringing depth to the whole. Benefits of Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin is particularly appreciated for its calming and comforting effects. With its CBD content of 25%, it is ideal for reducing stress, relaxing muscles and promoting deep relaxation. This resin is perfect for use in the evening or after a busy day, offering a pleasant and gentle experience. Using Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in different ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate experience rich in aromas, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of CBD. In infusion : For gentle and prolonged consumption, ideal for a moment of progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin , are made in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, ensuring their legality in France. They have no psychoactive effects and do not present any risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 25% Aromas Blueberry, sweet, floral, earthy, woody Weight Available in several formats

    5,18€ - 41,25€Price per gram 4,13€ / g

  • Résine Mango Rainbow CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Mango Rainbow CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Mango Rainbow CBD Resin: A Tropical Explosion of Well-being What is Mango Rainbow CBD Resin? GoldBar420 Mango Rainbow CBD Resin is a premium resin, grown in Switzerland, that stands out for its exotic and fruity aromatic profile. With a CBD content of 25%, this resin is perfect for those looking for deep relaxation combined with a rich and tasty taste experience. Compliant with French regulations with a THC content of less than 0.3%, it offers the benefits of CBD without psychoactive effects. Characteristics of Mango Rainbow CBD Resin Mango Rainbow CBD Resin is easily recognizable thanks to its creamy texture and golden brown color, typical of high-quality resins. Made in Switzerland, it benefits from rigorous production techniques that ensure optimal purity and concentration of CBD, while preserving the terpenes responsible for its distinctive aromas. Aromatic Profile The flavor profile of Mango Rainbow CBD Resin is as vibrant as its name suggests, with tropical and sweet notes that transport the senses: Top Notes : Aromas of ripe mango and tropical fruits, with a sweet and juicy touch. Heart Notes : Floral and herbal scents, adding a fresh and natural dimension. Base notes : Subtle earthy and woody nuances, bringing depth and balance to the whole. Benefits of Mango Rainbow CBD Resin Mango Rainbow CBD Resin is renowned for its calming and revitalizing effects. With a CBD content of 25%, it is ideal for reducing stress, calming the mind and relaxing the body without causing excessive drowsiness. It is a perfect choice for use in the evening or during moments of relaxation. How to Use Mango Rainbow CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in different ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate experience, allowing you to fully savor the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For a gentler and more prolonged consumption, ideal for progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including the Mango Rainbow CBD Resin , are made in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, ensuring their legality in France. These products have no psychoactive effects and do not present any risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 25% Aromas Mango, tropical fruit, floral, herbaceous, earthy Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Résine Peanut Butter CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Peanut Butter CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Peanut Butter CBD Resin: An Explosion of Flavors and Power What is Peanut Butter CBD Resin? GoldBar420 Peanut Butter CBD Resin is a premium product, grown in Switzerland, that stands out for its rich and creamy aroma reminiscent of peanut butter. With an impressive CBD content of 33%, this resin is perfect for those looking for intense relaxation combined with a unique taste experience. In accordance with French legislation, this resin contains less than 0.3% THC, guaranteeing legal and safe consumption. Characteristics of Peanut Butter CBD Resin Peanut Butter CBD Resin is distinguished by its soft and slightly sticky texture, typical of premium resins. Its golden brown color and rich aroma make it a product of choice for CBD lovers. Produced in Switzerland, this resin benefits from advanced cultivation and production techniques, ensuring exceptional purity and optimal CBD concentration. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Peanut Butter CBD Resin is both gourmand and earthy, offering an unforgettable sensory experience: Top Notes : Rich aromas of peanut and nut butter, with a hint of sweetness. Heart Notes : Woody, earthy scents that balance sweet, creamy notes. Base Notes : Spicy and herbal nuances, providing additional depth and complexity. Benefits of Peanut Butter CBD Resin Peanut Butter CBD Resin is particularly appreciated for its relaxing and calming effects. With its CBD content of 33%, it is ideal for relieving stress, relaxing muscles and promoting deep relaxation without causing drowsiness. This resin is perfect for use at the end of the day, when you need to unwind after a long day. Use of Peanut Butter CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in different ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate and pleasant experience, allowing you to fully savor the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For a gentler and more prolonged consumption, ideal for progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including Peanut Butter CBD Resin , are produced in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, ensuring their legality in France. They offer safe consumption, without psychoactive effects or risks of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 33% Aromas Peanutty, creamy, woody, earthy, spicy, herbaceous Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Cherry Wine CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Résine Cherry Wine CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Cherry Wine CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Cherry Wine CBD Resin: A Fusion of Flavors and Well-being What is Cherry Wine CBD Resin? GoldBar420 Cherry Wine CBD Resin is a premium resin, grown in Switzerland, renowned for its sweet and fruity aromas. With a CBD content of 23%, this resin offers a relaxing and soothing experience, ideal for those looking for deep relaxation without psychoactive effects. With a THC content of less than 0.3%, it complies with French legislation and is perfect for daily consumption. Characteristics of Cherry Wine CBD Resin Cherry Wine CBD Resin is distinguished by its soft and easy-to-handle texture, as well as its dark brown color with red highlights. Produced in Switzerland, this resin benefits from advanced production techniques that guarantee optimal purity and concentration of CBD, while preserving terpenes for a rich and complex aroma. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Cherry Wine CBD Resin is a delight for the senses, offering a harmonious combination of fruity and floral notes: Top notes : Sweet and fruity aromas, reminiscent of ripe cherries and red berries. Heart Notes : Delicate floral scents with a herbal touch. Base Notes : Earthy and woody nuances, providing additional depth and richness. Benefits of Cherry Wine CBD Resin Cherry Wine CBD Resin is known for its calming and relaxing effects. It is ideal for reducing stress, calming the mind and promoting a feeling of general well-being. Thanks to its high CBD content, it is particularly effective in relieving tension and promoting relaxation without causing drowsiness. Use of Cherry Wine CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in different ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate experience, allowing you to fully savor the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For gentle and prolonged consumption, ideal for progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including Cherry Wine CBD Resin , are produced in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, ensuring their legality in France. They offer safe consumption, without psychoactive effects or risks of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 23% Aromas Sweet, fruity, floral, herbaceous, earthy, woody Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Résine Amnesia CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Amnesia CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Amnesia CBD Resin: A Powerful and Energizing Experience What is Amnesia CBD Resin? GoldBar420 Amnesia CBD Resin is a premium resin, inspired by the famous Amnesia strain, well known for its characteristic aromas and powerful effects. Originating from Switzerland, this resin is carefully produced to offer a CBD content of 23%, guaranteeing a relaxing experience while stimulating the mind. With a THC content of less than 0.3%, it is legal in France and ideal for daily use. Characteristics of Amnesia CBD Resin Amnesia CBD Resin is distinguished by its firm and malleable texture, as well as its dark and shiny color. Produced in Switzerland, it benefits from advanced manufacturing processes that ensure exceptional purity and an optimal concentration of CBD. Its balanced cannabinoid profile makes it a perfect option for those looking for both relaxation and mental stimulation. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Amnesia CBD Resin is both complex and vibrant, reminiscent of the characteristics of the original Amnesia variety: Top Notes : Fresh citrus scents, with hints of lemon and lime. Heart notes : Spicy aromas of pine and spices, bringing a touch of freshness. Base notes : Subtle earthy and slightly peppery notes, typical of high quality resins. Benefits of Amnesia CBD Resin Amnesia CBD Resin is known for its energizing and balancing effects. It is ideal for those looking to increase their focus while alleviating stress and anxiety. With its 23% CBD content, it provides deep relaxation without excessive sedation, making it a perfect choice for daytime use. Use of Amnesia CBD Resin This versatile resin can be consumed in different ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate and pleasant experience, allowing you to fully enjoy the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For a gentler and more prolonged consumption, ideal for progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including Amnesia CBD Resin , are made in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, guaranteeing their legality in France. They offer safe consumption, without psychoactive effects or risks of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 23% Aromas Citrus, lemon, pine, spicy, earthy, peppery Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Résine Harlequin CBD - GoldBar420 Résine Harlequin CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Harlequin CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Harlequin CBD Resin: The Perfect Balance Between Relaxation and Stimulation What is Harlequin CBD Resin? GoldBar420’s Harlequin CBD Resin is a premium product from Switzerland, known for its unique balance between relaxation and stimulation. With an impressive CBD content of 27%, this resin offers a powerful experience while remaining compliant with French regulations thanks to a THC content of less than 0.3%. Characteristics of Harlequin CBD Resin Harlequin CBD Resin stands out for its compact and slightly sticky texture, ideal for a variety of uses. Its deep brown color and shiny appearance are the sign of a high-quality resin, produced according to the strict standards of the Swiss industry. Its high CBD concentration guarantees marked effects, while being gentle on the user. Aromatic Profile The flavor profile of Harlequin CBD Resin is complex and refreshing, capturing the essence of traditional cannabis strains while offering a modern twist: Top notes : Fruity and sweet aromas, with nuances of berries and grapes. Heart Notes : Woody, earthy scents that balance the sweet notes. Base Notes : Subtle spicy and herbal notes, adding a unique aromatic depth. Benefits of Harlequin CBD Resin Harlequin CBD Resin is particularly appreciated for its balancing effect. It is ideal for those looking to improve their concentration while alleviating stress and anxiety. Thanks to its CBD content of 27%, it is effective in providing deep relaxation without excessive sedation, making it a perfect choice for daytime or evening use. Use of Harlequin CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in different ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : For an immediate experience that allows you to fully savor the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For gentle and prolonged consumption, ideal for progressive relaxation. Legal information All our products, including Harlequin CBD Resin , are made in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, guaranteeing their legality in France. They offer safe consumption, without psychoactive effects or risks of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 27% Aromas Fruity, sweet, woody, earthy, spicy, herbaceous Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Résine Libanais Rouge CBD - GoldBar420 Résine Libanais Rouge CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Lebanese Red CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Lebanese Red CBD Resin: An Authentic Experience with Swiss CBD What is Lebanese Red CBD Resin? GoldBar420's Red Lebanese CBD Resin is a premium resin, inspired by the famous resins of Lebanon. Originating from Switzerland, this resin stands out for its unique profile and its CBD content of 21%, offering an experience rich in benefits while respecting French legal standards thanks to a THC content of less than 0.3%. Characteristics of Lebanese Red CBD Resin The Lebanese Red CBD Resin is distinguished by its soft and malleable texture, and its characteristic reddish color. It is produced in Switzerland with cutting-edge techniques that guarantee optimal purity and concentration in CBD. Its artisanal manufacturing allows the preservation of terpenes and cannabinoids, thus offering a superior quality product. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Lebanese Red CBD Resin is complex and seductive, reminiscent of traditional resins while offering a modern touch: Top notes : Spicy and woody aromas with a hint of dried fruits. Heart Notes : Earthy and herbal scents, providing added depth. Base notes : Resinous and slightly sweet nuances, which enrich the overall experience. Benefits of Lebanese Red CBD Resin Lebanese Red CBD Resin is known for its relaxing and calming effects. It is ideal for reducing stress, calming the mind and promoting a feeling of general well-being. With its CBD content of 21%, it offers intense relaxation while maintaining mental clarity, without the psychoactive effects of THC. Use of Lebanese Red CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in several ways depending on your preferences: In vaporization : To enjoy an immediate and pleasant experience, with rich and powerful aromas. In infusion : For a gentler consumption, ideal for a prolonged moment of relaxation. Legal information All our products, including the Lebanese Red CBD Resin , are produced in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, ensuring their legality in France. These products have no psychoactive effects and do not present any risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 21% Aromas Spicy, woody, dried fruit, earthy, resinous Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Caramello CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Résine Caramello CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Caramello CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    Caramello CBD Resin: A Swiss Sweetness Rich in CBD What is Caramello CBD Resin? GoldBar420 Caramello CBD Resin is a premium resin, known for its rich and sweet aroma reminiscent of caramel, from which it gets its name. Originating from Switzerland, this resin offers a CBD content of 23%, making it a powerful product for CBD lovers looking for a relaxing and tasty experience. With a THC content of less than 0.3%, it is completely legal in France and ideal for daily use. Characteristics of Caramello CBD Resin Caramello CBD Resin is distinguished by its soft and sticky texture, typical of premium resins. Its dark brown color and shiny appearance are evidence of the purity and high concentration of CBD. Cultivated and produced in Switzerland, this resin benefits from the most advanced production methods, ensuring consistent and optimal quality. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Caramello CBD Resin is rich and delicious, offering a palette of flavors that will please lovers of resins with a strong taste: Top notes : Sweet aromas reminiscent of caramel with a light touch of honey. Heart Notes : Earthy, woody scents that balance the sweet flavors. Base Notes : Spicy and herbal nuances that add depth and complexity. Benefits of Caramello CBD Resin Caramello CBD Resin is appreciated for its relaxing and calming effects. It is perfect for reducing stress, relaxing muscles and promoting deep relaxation. Thanks to its CBD content of 23%, it is particularly effective for those looking to relieve tension while enjoying a sweet and comforting aroma. Use of Caramello CBD Resin This versatile resin can be used in different ways depending on individual preferences: In vaporization : For quick and efficient consumption, allowing you to fully enjoy the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For a gentler and more prolonged consumption, ideal for a moment of relaxation at the end of the day. Legal information All our products, including Caramello CBD Resin , are made in Switzerland with a THC level of less than 0.3%, thus ensuring their compliance with French legislation. You can consume this resin safely, without psychoactive effects or risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 23% Aromas Sweet, caramel, woody, spicy, herbaceous Weight Available in several formats

    6,90€ - 55,00€Price per gram 5,50€ / g

  • Bab Berred CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Résine Bab Berred CBD - GoldBar420

    GoldBar420 Bab Berred CBD Resin - GoldBar420

    17 in stock

    Bab Berred CBD Resin: An Aromatic Power from Switzerland What is Bab Berred CBD Resin? GoldBar420’s Bab Berred CBD Resin is an exceptional product from Morocco, designed for CBD lovers looking for high concentration and powerful effects. With an impressive CBD content of 38.50%, this resin offers a rich and deep experience, while remaining compliant with French legislation thanks to a THC content of less than 0.3%. Characteristics of Bab Berred CBD Resin Bab Berred CBD Resin is distinguished by its soft and easy-to-handle texture, as well as its dark color, typical of high-quality resins. Produced in Morocco, this resin benefits from advanced production techniques that guarantee optimal purity and concentration of CBD, while preserving the terpenes that give it its unique aroma. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of Bab Berred CBD Resin is complex and seductive, offering rich and varied notes that make it a product of choice for connoisseurs: Top notes : Fruity and sweet aromas with a hint of red berries. Heart notes : Spicy and woody nuances, providing additional depth. Base notes : Subtle earthy and resinous notes, typical of high quality resins. Benefits of Bab Berred CBD Resin Bab Berred CBD Resin is appreciated for its relaxing and soothing effects. It is ideal for reducing stress, relieving muscle tension and promoting deep relaxation. Thanks to its high CBD content, it is particularly effective for those looking for intense relaxation without the psychoactive effects of THC. Use of Bab Berred CBD Resin This resin can be consumed in different ways depending on each person's preferences: In vaporization : For a smooth and rapid experience, allowing you to fully enjoy the aromas and effects of CBD. In infusion : For slower consumption, ideal for a prolonged moment of relaxation. Legal information Bab Berred CBD Resin is made in Morocco with a THC level of less than 0.3%, thus guaranteeing their compliance with French legislation. You can consume these products safely, without psychoactive effects or risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD resin Origin Morocco Producer GoldBar420 THC < 0.3% CBD 38.50% Aromas spicy, woody, earthy Weight 1, 3, 6, 10, 25 grams

    17 in stock

    9,90€ - 80,00€Price per gram 8,00€ / g

  • Last stock! Flower Lifter CBD - Greenhouse Fleur Lifter CBD - Greenhouse

    Flower Lifter CBD - Greenhouse

    7 reviews

    1 in stock

    Fleur Lifter CBD: A Natural Elevation with French CBD What is CBD Lifter Flower? The Lifter CBD flower is an exceptional variety grown in a greenhouse (Greenhouse) in France, renowned for its stimulating and balancing effects. With a high CBD rate of 14% and a THC rate of less than 0.3%, it is ideal for those looking to enjoy the benefits of CBD while respecting French legal standards. Features of the CBD Lifter Flower The Lifter CBD flower is distinguished by its dense and resinous buds, displaying a bright green color, dotted with orange pistils. Grown in French greenhouses, it benefits from sustainable agriculture that optimizes growing conditions to produce a high-quality flower, rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of the Lifter CBD flower is complex and refreshing, offering a palette of flavors that will please CBD lovers: Top Notes : Fruity and sweet scents, reminiscent of citrus and berries. Heart notes : Floral and herbaceous aromas, providing a natural freshness. Base Notes : Subtle woody and earthy nuances, adding depth to the whole. Benefits of CBD Lifter Flower Lifter CBD flower is particularly appreciated for its energizing and balancing effects. It is ideal for improving mood, increasing concentration and alleviating stress, while maintaining mental clarity. Thanks to its CBD content of 14%, it offers a soothing experience without sedative effects, perfect for use during the day. Using the CBD Lifter Flower This versatile variety can be enjoyed at any time of day: In the morning : To start the day with energy and concentration, while enjoying its invigorating aromas. In the afternoon : For a revitalizing break that helps overcome daily stress. Legal information All our products, including the Lifter CBD flower , are grown in France with a THC level of less than 0.3%. This guarantees legal and safe consumption in France, without psychoactive effects or risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD flower Origin France Culture Greenhouse THC < 0.3% CBD 14% Aromas Fruity, sweet, floral, herbaceous, woody, earthy Weight 3, 6, 10, 25, 50 grams

    1 in stock

    9,60€ - 94,90€Price per gram 1,90€ / g

  • Flowers Flower Fruit Cake CBD - Glasshouse Fleurs Fleur Fruit Cake CBD - Glasshouse

    Flowers Flower Fruit Cake CBD - Glasshouse

    7 reviews

    6 in stock

    Fleur Fruit Cake CBD: A Delicious Alliance of Aromas and Benefits What is the CBD Fruit Cake Flower? The Fruit Cake CBD flower is an exceptional variety, grown in a greenhouse under glass (Glasshouse) in Italy. Known for its sweet and fruity aromatic profile, this flower offers a consumption experience rich in flavors and benefits. With a CBD rate of 11% and a THC rate of less than 0.3%, it is perfect for those looking to combine taste pleasure and relaxation while respecting French legislation. Characteristics of the CBD Fruit Cake Flower The Fruit Cake CBD flower is distinguished by its dense and colorful buds, with shades of deep green and orange pistils. Grown in Italy, this variety benefits from the optimal conditions of greenhouse cultivation under glass, allowing to preserve all the richness of its terpenes and to ensure a consistent quality with each harvest. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of the Fruit Cake CBD flower is unique and seductive, offering an explosion of fruity flavors reminiscent of gourmet desserts: Top Notes : Sweet scents of berries and tropical fruits. Heart Notes : Floral and herbaceous nuances that add aromatic complexity. Base notes : Subtle earthy and woody notes, which balance everything out. Benefits of the CBD Fruit Cake Flower Fruit Cake CBD flower is known for its calming and relaxing effects. It is ideal for reducing stress, calming the mind and promoting deep relaxation without causing drowsiness. Thanks to its CBD content of 11%, it offers a feeling of gentle well-being, perfect for consumption at the end of the day or to relax after a long day. Using the Fruit Cake CBD Flower This variety is versatile and can be enjoyed at any time of the day: In the afternoon : For a relaxing break with a fruity taste that revitalizes the senses. In the evening : To relax before bed, enjoying its soft and sweet aromas. Legal information All our products, including the Fruit Cake CBD flower , are grown in Italy with a THC level of less than 0.3%. These products are legal to consume in France, guaranteeing an experience without psychoactive effects or risks of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD flower Origin Italy Culture Glasshouse THC < 0.3% CBD 11% Aromas Tropical fruits, berries, floral, herbal, earthy Weight 3, 6, 10, 25 grams

    6 in stock

    17,70€ - 72,50€Price per gram 3,90€ / g

  • Fleurs White Widow CBD - Glasshouse Fleurs White Widow CBD - Glasshouse

    White Widow CBD Flowers - Glasshouse

    7 reviews

    8 in stock

    White Widow CBD Flower: A CBD Legend in Italian Version What is White Widow CBD Flower? The White Widow CBD flower is a modern variation of one of the most famous cannabis strains in the world, now adapted for CBD. Grown in a greenhouse under glass (Glasshouse) in Italy, this flower combines Italian expertise with legendary genetics. With a high CBD content of 14% and a THC content of less than 0.3%, the White Widow CBD offers an experience rich in benefits while being compliant with French legislation. White Widow CBD Flower Features The White Widow CBD flower is distinguished by its dense and resinous buds, sporting a light green hue with white trichomes reminiscent of frost, hence its name. Growing in a greenhouse under glass ensures consistent quality, optimizing natural light while protecting the plants from the elements, resulting in a premium CBD flower. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of the White Widow CBD flower is complex and captivating, offering a palette of flavors that will appeal to CBD lovers: Top Notes : Earthy and woody scents with a hint of spice. Heart Notes : Floral and herbaceous aromas, with a hint of pine. Base notes : Lemony and peppery nuances, characteristic of White Widow varieties. Benefits of White Widow CBD Flower White Widow CBD flower is known for its balanced effects that soothe the mind while maintaining mental clarity. It is ideal for those looking to reduce stress, relieve tension, and promote deep relaxation without altering alertness. Thanks to its high CBD content, it is particularly effective for users seeking therapeutic effects. Using White Widow CBD Flower This versatile variety can be used in different situations: During the day : To reduce anxiety and promote calm concentration, while enjoying its subtle and refined aromas. In the evening : To relax after a stressful day, while appreciating the complexity of its flavors. Legal information All our products, including the White Widow CBD flower , are grown in Italy with a THC level of less than 0.3%, thus guaranteeing their legality in France. You can consume them safely, without the risk of psychotropic effects or addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD flower Origin Italy Culture Glasshouse THC < 0.3% CBD 14% Aromas Earthy, woody, floral, herbaceous, lemony, peppery Weight 3, 6, 10, 25 grams

    8 in stock

    17,70€ - 72,50€Price per gram 2,90€ / g

  • Last stock! Super Lemon OG CBD Flowers - Greenhouse Fleurs Super Lemon OG CBD - Greenhouse

    Super Lemon OG CBD Flowers - Greenhouse

    7 reviews

    1 in stock

    Super Lemon OG CBD Flower: A Tangy and Relaxing Experience What is Super Lemon OG CBD Flower? The Super Lemon OG CBD flower is a remarkable hybrid variety, grown in a greenhouse (Greenhouse) in France. It is renowned for its powerful lemon aroma and its relaxing effect. With a CBD level of 12% and a THC level of less than 0.3%, this flower offers a perfect balance between flavor and well-being, while respecting French legislation. Characteristics of the Super Lemon OG CBD Flower The Super Lemon OG CBD flower is distinguished by its dense structure and bright green hues, dotted with orange pistils. Its greenhouse cultivation allows for sustainable and environmentally friendly production, while maximizing the concentration of CBD and terpenes. This variety is the fruit of French agricultural know-how, offering superior quality with each harvest. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of the Super Lemon OG CBD flower is a real pleasure for lovers of lemony flavors. Its fresh and tangy aroma is reminiscent of citrus fruits, complemented by subtle and earthy notes that enrich the experience: Top notes : Lemon zest and fresh citrus. Heart Notes : Spicy and herbal aromas, with a hint of pine. Base notes : Earthy and slightly peppery nuances, typical of OG varieties. Benefits of Super Lemon OG CBD Flower Super Lemon OG CBD flower is particularly appreciated for its relaxing and balancing properties. It is ideal for calming the mind and relaxing the body, without causing excessive drowsiness. This variety is perfect for reducing stress, easing muscle tension and promoting a general feeling of well-being. Using Super Lemon OG CBD Flower This versatile variety can be consumed at different times of the day, depending on your needs: During the day : To reduce stress and improve concentration without sedative effects. In the evening : To relax after a busy day, while enjoying its fresh and revitalizing aromas. Legal information All our products, including the Super Lemon OG CBD flower , are grown in France with a THC level of less than 0.3%, which guarantees their compliance with French legislation. These products offer safe consumption, without psychoactive effects or risk of addiction. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD flower Origin France Culture Greenhouse THC < 0.3% CBD 12% Aromas Lemon, citrus, pine, spice, earthy, peppery Weight 3, 6, 10, 25, 50 grams

    1 in stock

    9,60€ - 94,90€Price per gram 2,20€ / g

  • Résine CBD CBN - GMO

    CBD CBN Resin - GMO

    7 reviews

    CBD CBN Resin - GMO: Cannabinoid Power for Well-being What is CBD CBN Resin - GMO? CBD CBN Resin - GMO is an exceptional concentrate, combining the relaxing properties of CBD with the soothing effects of CBN. Originating from Switzerland, this resin is the result of meticulous cultivation and rigorous extraction, guaranteeing a high-quality product. With a rate of 20% CBD and 25% CBN, it offers a unique experience for those looking for powerful relief from stress, pain and sleep disorders. Characteristics of CBD CBN Resin - GMO CBD CBN - GMO resin is distinguished by its dense texture and dark color, reflecting its high concentration of cannabinoids. Its aroma is complex, mixing earthy and spicy notes with a subtle touch of smoked wood, inherited from its GMO genetics. This resin is produced indoors, under strict conditions that preserve the purity and effectiveness of its active components. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of CBD CBN - GMO resin is rich and captivating, offering a deep sensory experience: Top notes : Earthy and woody aromas, reminiscent of undergrowth after rain. Heart notes : Spicy scents with a hint of musk, highlighting the complexity of the resin. Base notes : Nuances of smoky wood and cedar, with a slight sweetness on the finish. Benefits of CBD CBN Resin - GMO The combination of CBD and CBN in this resin makes it a top choice for those looking for comprehensive therapeutic effects: Deep Relaxation : Ideal for relieving stress and anxiety, promoting total body relaxation. Improved Sleep : CBN is known for its mild sedative properties, helping to regulate sleep and combat insomnia. Pain Relief : Effective in relieving chronic pain and reducing inflammation thanks to the synergistic action of CBD and CBN. Use of CBD CBN Resin - GMO This versatile resin can be consumed in different ways to optimize its effects: Vaporization : For rapid and efficient absorption of cannabinoids. Infusion : Mixed with a fatty substance such as coconut oil to maximize absorption. Inhalation : Via a joint or pipe, for a more traditional experience. Legal information All our products, including CBD CBN - GMO resin , comply with European legal standards with a THC level of less than 0.3%. You can therefore consume them legally in France, without psychoactive effects. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD CBN Resin Origin Swiss Culture Indoor THC < 0.3% CBD 20% CBN 25% Aromas Earthy, spicy, smoky wood, cedar Weight Variable (depending on offer)

    8,90€ - 59,00€Price per gram 5,90€ / g

  • Zkittlez CBD Flowers - Glasshouse Fleurs Zkittlez CBD - Glasshouse

    Zkittlez CBD Flowers - Glasshouse

    7 reviews

    6 in stock

    Fleur Zkittlez Cake CBD: An Explosion of Flavors and Benefits What is Zkittlez Cake CBD Flower? The Zkittlez Cake CBD flower is a unique hybrid strain, famous for its intense blend of fruity and sweet flavors. Originally from Switzerland, this flower is grown indoors in optimal conditions to ensure exceptional quality. With a high rate of 17.30% CBD and less than 0.3% THC, it is legal in France and offers a relaxing and balanced experience, ideal for those looking for both well-being and pleasure of the senses. Characteristics of the Zkittlez Cake CBD Flower The Zkittlez Cake CBD flower stands out for its density and vibrant color. Its deep green hues, dotted with sparkling trichomes and orange pistils, make it visually appealing. Grown indoors by Swiss experts, this flower benefits from strict control over all aspects of its growth, ensuring a high CBD content and a rich and varied aromatic profile. Aromatic Profile The aromatic profile of the Zkittlez Cake CBD flower is particularly seductive and complex, offering a real explosion of flavors in the mouth: Top notes : Fruity aromas reminiscent of candy, with a dominance of berries and tropical fruits. Heart Notes : Sweet and creamy scents, reminiscent of a freshly baked cake. Base notes : Subtle earthy and spicy aromas that balance the sweetness of the first notes. Benefits of Zkittlez Cake CBD Flower Zkittlez Cake CBD flower is known for its relaxing and calming effects. Thanks to its high CBD content, it is particularly effective in relieving stress, promoting muscle relaxation, and improving the quality of sleep without causing excessive drowsiness. Using Zkittlez Cake CBD Flower This versatile variety can be enjoyed at different times of the day, depending on your needs: At the end of the day : To relax after a long day, while enjoying a moment of gourmet pleasure. Before bed : To calm the mind and prepare the body for a restful night's sleep. Legal information All our products, including the Zkittlez Cake CBD flower , are made from hemp grown in Switzerland, respecting a THC level of less than 0.3%. This regulation ensures legal consumption in France, without psychoactive effects. Technical characteristics Characteristic Detail Kind CBD flower Origin Swiss Culture Indoor THC < 0.3% CBD 17.30% Aromas Fruity, sweet, creamy, earthy, spicy Weight 3, 6, 10, 25 grams

    6 in stock

    17,70€ - 72,50€Price per gram 2,90€ / g

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of CBD?

CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic properties. It can help manage pain, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep.

How to use CBD oils?

CBD oils can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for quick absorption, or added to foods and drinks.

Is CBD legal in France?

Yes, CBD is legal in France, provided that the products contain less than 0.3% THC.

What are the side effects of CBD?

CBD is generally well tolerated, but some may experience side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, or changes in appetite.

Where to buy quality CBD products?

You can buy our CBD products online from our website, where we offer a wide selection of high-quality products at competitive prices.

Our engagements

  • Transparency : All information about our products, including laboratory test results, is available to assure you of their quality and safety.
  • Customer Service : Our team is available to answer all your questions and help you choose the products that best suit you.
  • Fast Delivery : Enjoy fast and discreet delivery of your CBD products directly to your home.

Order now!

Explore our collection and discover the benefits of CBD for your well-being. Buy CBD online and enjoy our exclusive offers!

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you find the perfect product for your needs.

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