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Contest games - HerBeevor - Mother's Day


Full rules of the Contest - From May 22, 2023 to May 31, 2023.



SAS HerBeevor , with capital of €5,000, whose head office is located at 63 rue Auguste Kervern 29200 Brest, registered in the Brest Trade and Companies Register under number 949 280 085, (hereinafter "the Organizing Company "), is organizing from May 22, 2023 to May 31, 2023 at midnight (inclusive), a Mother's Day competition, hereinafter "Competition", on the HerBeevor Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok page. This competition is free with no obligation to purchase.

The HerBeevor website, www.herbeevor.fr (hereinafter the “Site”), also includes a page dedicated to the competition presenting:

  • These Rules and the terms of participation


Participation in the competition implies pure and simple acceptance of these rules in their entirety, including, as they arise, any amendments and additions.

It also implies the pure and simple acceptance of the conditions of use of the HerBeevor page on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok of HerBeevor (see below the conditions of participation). The organizing company will not be able to handle any dispute related to these conditions of use which are the sole responsibility of Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok of HerBeevor.

The rules of the competition are free and freely accessible, for the entire duration of the competition on the Site where they can be consulted and printed.

A copy of these regulations will be sent free of charge to anyone who requests it, by post only, until May 25, 2023 inclusive or to the following address: contact@herbeevor.fr

Only one request for a copy of these rules will be considered per participant and per household (same name and/or same postal address and/or same email address).

Any changes made to the competition and its rules will be the subject of an amendment to these rules mentioned on the Site. The Organizing Company will inform participants by any means of its choice.

The Organizing Company reserves the right to deprive any person who contravenes one or more articles of these rules of the possibility of participating in the competition and obtaining any winnings that may have been obtained.


This competition is announced on the Site, by means of Flyers and the newsletter, on the Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok page of HerBeevor.


Participation in this competition is free and does not require any particular qualification.

The competition is open to:

- any natural person, adult or minor, providing parental authorization, as described below,

-residing in mainland France, including Corsica and excluding DROM COM

-subscribed to HerBeevor's Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok page

-and having an email address,

Excluded are employees of the Organizing Company or belonging to the Organizing Company group.

Participants can participate under their Facebook pseudonym or their real identity: however, they must provide the organizing company with their real identity and contact details if they win the competition, otherwise they will be eliminated and will not be able to win the competition.

Furthermore, a comment and/or a title, although not obligatory, are strongly recommended.

The Organizing Company reserves the right to carry out any checks it deems useful.

Failure to comply with the above conditions of participation will result in the participant being excluded from the competition and losing any winnings, if applicable.


The competition will run from May 22, 2023 to May 31, 2023 , with the participations and votes recorded in the information systems of the Organizing Company being authentic. HerBeevor customers will be invited to participate in the competition and will be informed by means of a post on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and a newsletter.

Participation is subject to the condition of subscription to the HerBeevor Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok page .

Participation in the competition will be open 24 hours a day on the HerBeevor Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok pages, subject to change.

No other means of participation, in particular by mail or email, will be taken into account.

Participants undertake to provide correct, complete, sincere and legible information. Any false, incomplete, incorrect or illegible participation will not be taken into account.

Furthermore, access to the competition is limited to one entry per person and per account (one entry per HerBeevor Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok account). In the event of multiple entries, the participant will be permanently excluded from the competition and will lose their winnings if applicable.

In general, any participation made in a manner that contravenes these rules, or without respecting the conditions of participation, the integrity and the principle of the competition will not be taken into account.


The winner will be selected by random draw on May 31, 2023. Participants will be able to multiply their chances in the draw thanks to the number of “shares” on each HerBeevor Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok account. The number of chances will be equal to the number of “shares” obtained.

Only one prize will be awarded per winner during the entire duration of the competition. Only the winner of the competition will be informed personally by private message on Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok of the result of his/her participation. In the event that a minor is designated as the winner, the prize will be given to the holder(s) of parental authority.

Any participation that does not comply with the provisions of these rules will not be taken into account and will result in the participation being null and void and therefore the cancellation of any prize won. The same will apply if it appears that fraud has occurred in any form and from any source whatsoever, in the context of participation in the competition or the determination of the winner.

In the event of suspicion of fraud or unfair participation (considered as such in particular all exchanges of likes on online communities and participation in votes by false profiles), the Organizing Company reserves the right to carry out any verification it deems useful.

In the event of a dispute, only the database of entries of the Organizing Company will be valid. In general, it is expressly agreed that the data contained in the information systems in the possession of the Organizing Company have probative force with regard to the connection elements and the determination of the winner.

The winner authorizes all verifications concerning his identity, age, postal and electronic address.


At stake:

  • A Gourmet basket containing: A CBD Apple Kiwi Camomile drink + Cool & Relax herbal tea + Chocolate Diamond Biscuit and CBD flower + CBD Biscuit 3 seeds
  • An anti-aging kit basket from the Breezh range containing: Serum, Cream and eye contour.


The winner will be contacted by private message on Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok (hereinafter referred to as the "confirmation request") in order to send the Organizing Company, also in private mode on Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok, their postal address and email address, for sending their prize no later than June 1, 2023. The Organizing Company cannot be held responsible in the event that the winner cannot be contacted by email for a reason beyond its control.

Any winner who does not respond within fifteen (15) days from the sending of the confirmation request will be considered as having waived his or her prize. The prize will then be awarded to one of the alternate winners defined during the draw. The alternate winner must also respond to the confirmation request within fifteen (15) days from the sending of the confirmation request. Failing this, the alternate winner will also be considered as having waived his or her prize and it will not be put back into play.

The Organising Company is not required to carry out specific research in order to contact the winner or substitute winners who have not come forward at the end of the period given to them.

The prizes will be sent to the winner no later than June 16, 2023 at the expense of the Organizing Company.

Each prize is nominative and non-transferable. It may not be received in any form other than those provided for in these rules. It may not be reimbursed in cash or in consideration of any kind whatsoever, nor be replaced by another prize, including one of an equivalent nature.

The Organizing Company reserves the right to modify the prizes at stake in the event of an event beyond its control and to offer the winner another prize of the same or greater nature and value, without any claim being made and without its liability being incurred as a result.

It is hereby specified that the Organizing Company declines all responsibility for any incidents and/or damages of any nature which could arise due to the enjoyment of the prize awarded and/or due to its use.

It is recalled that the Organizing Company will not provide any guarantee or assistance service, the prize(s) consisting solely of the delivery of the prize(s) as described above.


9.1 – Authorization to distribute name, first name, photograph, place of residence

In return for the benefit of his/her prize, the winner authorizes in advance the Organizing Company to use his/her name, first name, photograph provided by him/her, as well as the indication of his/her city and department of residence in any advertising or publicity-promotional event linked to the competition, in France or abroad, on the site https://www.herbeevor.fr/ and on the Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok page of HerBeevor, without this use being able to open up any rights or advantages other than the prize awarded.

These authorizations entail a waiver on the part of the winner of any subsequent actions in claim concerning the use of his/her name, first name or the indication of his/her city or department.

These authorizations are given free of charge for a period of one (1) year from the selection of the winner.


Participants are prohibited from implementing or seeking to implement any participation process that is not strictly in accordance with the principles of the competition and these rules. Participants are prohibited from taking any action that could alter the operation of the competition.

The Organizing Company reserves the right to carry out any verification relating to compliance with the rules and the principle of the competition and reserves the right to exclude any participant who has committed any abuse, attempted fraud or breached these rules. The Organizing Company will not be required to carry out such verifications systematically, and may limit them to the participations made by the potential winner.

The Organizing Company reserves the right to cancel the competition if it appears that obvious fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever, in the context of participation in the competition or the determination of the winner.

If, for whatever reason, this competition does not take place as anticipated by the Organizing Company due to fraud, technical failure (accidental or caused by a third party or a participant) or any event beyond the control of the Organizing Company corrupting or affecting the management, security, fairness or proper conduct of the competition, the Organizing Company reserves the discretionary right to cancel, modify or suspend the competition or to terminate it without delay, without the participants being able to seek its liability for this.


It is expressly recalled that the Internet is not a secure network. The organizing company cannot therefore be held responsible for contamination by possible viruses or the intrusion of a third party into the terminal system of the participants in the competition and declines all responsibility for the consequences of the connection of the participants to the Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok network. The organizing company disclaims all responsibility in the event of a malfunction of its Internet network, in particular due to external malicious acts, which would prevent the smooth running of the competition. It cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to the participants, their computer equipment and the data stored there, as well as the consequences that may result from this on their personal or professional activity.

Furthermore, it cannot be held liable in any way in the event of delivery problems or loss of email.

Any inaccurate or false declaration or fraud will result in the participant being disqualified.

Each participant must ensure that, as part of their participation in this competition, they comply with Facebook's general conditions of use and do not constitute:

-an attack on the rights of individuals and in particular any attack on human dignity, personality rights (such as the right to one's image, the right to one's name, the right to respect for private life) as well as defamation, insult;

-an attack on public order and morality, in particular incitement to racial hatred, violence, child pornography, etc.

Furthermore, the Organizing Company reserves the right, at any time if circumstances so require and in particular due to any event beyond its control, without any claim being made in this regard and without its liability being incurred as a result:

- to stop, shorten, extend, modify, interrupt, postpone or cancel the competition without notice. For example, it reserves the right in any event to extend the participation period or postpone the date of selection of the winner. In these cases, the rules will be modified under the conditions described below;

- to modify the rules of the competition without notice.

These provisions may apply in particular if it appears that malfunctions of the Internet network have occurred in any form whatsoever, and in particular in the context of participation in the competition or the determination of the winner, in the event of fraud. In the latter case, the messages informing participants of a win would be considered null and void. It is therefore specified that under no circumstances may the number of prizes exceed that provided for in these rules.


The Organizing Company is responsible for processing personal data collected as part of this Game (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data") and undertakes to ensure processing in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, known as the "Information Technology and Freedoms Act", as amended.

12.1 What Personal Data are processed and for what purpose(s)?

To participate in the competition, participants must necessarily and strictly provide certain personal information about themselves, namely: name or pseudonym.

These Personal Data are mandatory and necessary for the Organizing Company for the purpose

The winner authorizes the organizer to publish his/her participation (name, city and postal code) solely by participating in the competition, in the legitimate interest of the organizing company, to inform other participants of the winner of the competition and demonstrate its proper execution.

Participants may also choose to accept and receive commercial information from the Organizing Company.

Thus, subject to the explicit consent of the participants and unless they subsequently object, the Personal Data of the participants may be used by the Organizing Company for direct marketing purposes.

The Personal Data processed by the organizing company are kept for the time necessary to execute the competition and for a maximum period of 1 year at the end of which the Personal Data will be temporarily archived to keep proof of participation and sending of prizes in order to defend the rights of the Organizing company in accordance with the applicable regulations.

If participants agree to receive commercial solicitations from the Organizing Company and/or its partners, they will have the possibility, at any time and free of charge, to oppose commercial prospecting, by clicking on the unsubscribe link contained in each of the emails that may be sent to them.

12.2 Who is the Personal Data intended for and how is it processed?

The Personal Data processed by the Organizing Company as part of the organization of this competition are confidential.

Thus, Personal Data is reserved for use by the Organizing Company, unless the Participant explicitly consents to their communication by partners of the Organizing Company.

Personal Data may be communicated confidentially to a subcontractor providing technical services for processing Personal Data (technical service for processing personal data to be defined), by the Organizing Company for the purposes of the competition.

Participants' personal data is not transferred outside the European Union.

12.3 What are Participants’ access rights?

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in its latest version in force by the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (and as of its entry into force on May 25, 2018, each participant has the right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, the right to object to processing, and the right to portability of personal data concerning them.

All participants in the competition may exercise these rights at any time and free of charge, upon simple request to the following address:


Participants who exercise their right to object or delete their Personal Data before the end of the Game will be deemed to have waived their participation. In the event of a dispute, Participants have the right to refer the matter to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties.


These regulations are subject to French law.

Any request concerning the interpretation or application of these regulations must be sent in writing to the following address: In writing via the contact form: contact@herbeevor.fr

No request regarding the interpretation of these rules that reaches the Organizing Company more than fifteen (15) days after the closing of the Game will be answered. Any dispute arising from this competition will first be the subject of an attempt at amicable conciliation between the participant and the organizing company within a period of fifteen (15) days from the receipt of a request for amicable conciliation by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. This request for amicable conciliation will have been sent, no later than 15 days after the closing of the competition, to the address indicated above, specifying the contact details of the participant and the reason for the request.

In the event that no agreement has been reached within 15 days, the dispute may be submitted to the competent courts of Brest, unless there are public policy provisions to the contrary.

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